Monday, November 9, 2009

Richard Dawkins is lame

edit - Most of this post comes from a conversation (if you want to call it that) in the youtube comments. Sorry for the very Staccato sentence structure.

I was confronted with a terrible Richard Dawkins video the other day. It makes me sick looking at him. His face is vile like a reptile, and his teeth are yellow hiding what surely is a flickering lizard tongue. He spews hate, venom, and all the things he claims to stand against. He is most importantly a hypocrite, showering the world with black and white images. It's pathetic and the product of a shallow mind. The bible was written thousands of years of go. It's a primitive text, of course there is going to be bizarre stuff in there. But there is also beautiful stories, yes stories. The bible is not a history book, no matter how much you want it to be. Would anybody call Gilgamesh disgusting? No. Gilgamesh and much of the Old Testament comes from a similar time period. Many of the stories in the bible are similar to the Epic of Gilgamesh. And yes, the gods try to wipe out man with a flood. Women are generally marginalized. Gilgamesh is a terrible king. Gilgamesh and Enkidu kill an old forest spirit. And the Gods are all around mean, evil things. The bible is a story book laying out law for an ancient people. Yes, you can find echoes of today in there, but read it to gain knowledge, not to mock it for its primitiveness. Almost all of our great artists were inspired by the power of the bible's words. Is Richard Dawkins the one too primitive, too backward to understand it? Yes. Grow up, and get out of your black and white fantasy world. For me, it's not about the truth of the history, it's about the truth of the story. The truth will set you free. Do I believe that Jesus lived? Does it matter? Sure, history is against whether it even happened, but is it insane to find solace in the bible's words? Is it insane to say everybody who is a Christian is "silly"? Yes. I'll say that. It is foolish to call the bible disgusting. It is as bad as right wing evangelicals.

The bible is disgusting in the sense of Deliverance, the Saw movies maybe, Hostel, Jaws, like all horror stories, um... what ever gruesome things you can think of. Yeah, it's gross, there's definitely some weird stuff in there. It's also almost three thousand years old. But it's a story. Look at as a story, a literary critic, not as if God wrote it. Yeah, that's silly, I agree with that. But you cannot say their isn't also beautiful stuff in it. That's plain idiotic. There is some absolutely disgusting things in the bible, and children should maybe be sheltered from certain sections. However, my overall point is that the bible in itself is not evil. Some of the people who follow it are crazy people, but the book itself is old, old, old. Judge it, I guess, research it, it's an artifact from the past with some amazing words, and some terrible words. It would be stupid to follow it's words to a 'T' for most modern people. Mostly it just makes me angry to see so many ignoramuses on the youtube comments being black and white and agreeing with everything your God Richard Dawkins says, and not thinking for yourself. There is hardly anything black and white in this world. No group of people are completely evil. The bible should not be judged as evil, it's old, and sections are quite beautiful. It's just plain old tiring to see all these idiots stuck in some fantasy world. I used to be like them, most adults will grow out of it.

I agree that there is many that blindly follow the bible. Blindly following anything is wrong. However, people who openly say the bible is disgusting and taunt the material inside are just baiting their Christian adversaries. Yes, some terrible things came from the bible, some terrible things came from a lot of books. And people have been openly criticizing the bible for centuries before Richard Dawkins. It's not a new phenomenon. The book of Job criticizes God, and it's in the bible! Same with the Book of Ecclesiastes (and if you want an atheist rallying cry, look no further than this book in the bible!) And if you really think questioning God is a recent thing you aren't very familiar with literature or philosophy. Just look at your friend "God is Dead" Nietzsche. Dawkins just pisses me off. Let him be an atheist and stop making books called the God Delusion. He's just as bad as the people he hates.

And how would Christians ever tell their kids what Dawkins' wants? You really think it's in their best interest to bend little Billy or Sally on their knee and tell them God is evil. That's laughable. How bout you bend your little kid on your knee and tell them the evil of American and Nazi eugenics in the name of Social Darwinism or about justified racism proven by "science"? That would be a laugh. Many characterize all Christians as planned parenthood bombers. How would you like it if I characterized all evolutionists (which I count myself as one) as eugenicists? Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was indeed both a eugenicist and a racist. She founded Planned Parenthood as a way to get rid of undesirable races. If you don't believe me, look it up. Forced sterilizations weren't that uncommon in early 1900's America either. And Hitler, can't forget about him. One of my favorite episodes of South Park is the two parter Go God Go. The episode perfectly spells out what I feel about Richard Dawkins. After religion was annihilated by Dawkins and Garrison, the future is just as bleak. Now humanity just rages war over what they should call themselves. Humans do bad things with or without religion. And Bob's your uncle, that's it.

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