Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Biblical Post

I have tried to post a blog consistently between each class, but as time goes on I am getting worser and worser at it! (You say worser isn't a word?) However, I'll continue doing what I am doing until I reach the point of complete irrelevance not only to this class, but the rest of humanity in general. It's a long way to fall, but hell, this late in the semester who cares anymore? Seriously, I am exhausted with all the tests, quizzes, sentence diagramming, reading, debit and credit, demand and supply, equilibrium, monopolies, excise and sales taxes, it goes on and on and on and never really ends until you're dead or senile. Quoting the song, Make Mistakes, by the Infadels, "Life was easy before the numbers came". But thank God I am majoring in Finance, because I really don't want to be teaching English some day but would rather make money investing in something then retiring at a crisp age of 50 (with all this technology, I'll be living to like 5 billion anyway). Mmmmkay, biblical stuff. I'm sure I got something interesting under the hood. Engine is revving up, vroooom, vrooom, vrroooom. Okay, I got nothing of interest to say to anybody whose name's don't begin with N and end in K (I'm the only Nick in the world right?). I admit I am extremely narcissistic, but so are the best writers ever, and also drunks. Hey, I could corner both markets pretty soon.

I've realized from my group project thing that I am extremely melodramatic. I ladle up the melodrama like soup from a big bowl of soup. I think it is a distinctly Jewish "woe is me" sense of humor, and I've also developed a thick layer of cynicism on top of it. (You see, I'm like an onion, I got layers.) My fears were confirmed this weekend when I starting channeling an old Jewish woman's accent after a few too many alcoholic beverages. I really like our Jonah presentation script. What I enjoy most is the each writer adding something different to it. Tai is a naturally funny guy, and his humor tends to be filled with references and wordplay. Jamie tends to make funny faces and has more character driven sort of comedy (with gestures and all). I guess I would call my contributions extremely melodramatic, even falling on the depressing and violent (the work of an extremely psychotic mind!). My hope is that you will be able to see where the different authors come in. I don't suppose it will be that hard, since most of the significant dialogue for each character comes from the person acting it. Anyway, I know this was a highly unorganized sort of rambling, speaking out loud kinda brouhaha, but blogging is important.

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